2024 Reunion and News

Reunion Minutes

Click below to view minutes from the 120th Conard Reunion

Minutes from the 120th Conard Reunion

Reunion Photos

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Reunion 2024 group picture


Ray and Peg Shipe
Judy Conard
Mary Ann & Michael Davis
William Barnhill
Stephanie Eloe & Joshua Eloe
Janet & Tom Roeber
Jesse Hallowell
Penrose-Jesse Hallowell
Sam Conard
Donald Roeber & Erica Larsen
Robin Hunt
Deb Johnston
Dottie Wiley
Jeffrey & Jessica Miller
Betty Rhodes
Joyce H Fox
Tom Walker
Braden Houseman
Denise Waltemyer
Ann Wilson
Ada Crick
Helena Crick
Charles C Wilson
Paul Roeber & Christine Waldron
Allen James Conard
Suzanne (Conard) Leap
Nicholas, Patricia, Ben, Elaina, and Emily Miller
Elsie Krzeminski


Youngest Child: Emily Miller, 22 mos.
Next Oldest girl: Ada Crick, 8
Oldest boy: Ben Miller, 10
Oldest Lady: Judy Conard, 82
Oldest Gent: Allen J. Conard, 84
Newly Married: (no one under a year)
Longest Married: Ray and Peg Shipe, 48 years
Traveled the Farthest: Stephanie and Joshua Eloe from Post Falls, Idaho
Reunion 2024 group picture Reunion 2024 group picture Reunion 2024 group picture Reunion 2024 group picture Reunion 2024 group picture Reunion 2024 group picture Reunion 2024 group picture Reunion 2024 group picture Reunion 2024 group picture Reunion 2024 group picture

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Kunders, an humble wool dyer from the banks of the Rhine, who, settling in the untrodden wilds of America, and pursuing the even tenor of a modest and uneventful life, “builded better than he knew.”

Robert Proud, in his history of Pennsylvania says, “Among the first Germantown settlers was Dennis Conrad. The first religious meeting of the Quakers, in that place, was held at his house in 1683. He was a hospitable, well-disposed man, of an inoffensive life and good character.”