John and Sarah Childs Conard
And their Descendants



“They only deserve to be remembered by posterity
who treasure the history of their ancestors.” -- Burke

THIS SECOND EDITION of the CONARD BOOK is published by the descendants of John and Sarah Child Conard for two purposes: First, to preserve intact the material gathered and printed by the late Henry C. Conrad of Wilmington, Delaware; and second, to add to these valuable data the more recent births, marriages, and deaths to make complete the record of those persons eligible for membership in the "Conard Reunion."

Publishing Committee:

Martha Wilson Van Doren (131), Chair
Emma J. Wilson (138) and John Carrell Morris (130)


At a meeting of the descendants of John and Sarah Conard held August 4, 1904, at Willow Grove Park, Montgomery County, Pa., the following resolutions were made and adopted: It was moved and supported that H. Fassett Conard (33) act as temporary chairman and Ella S. Park (153) act as temporary secretary. Upon assuming their duties, the following motions were made and· adopted:

First: That this be made a permanent organization.

Second: That the following act as officers:

President: Isaac Conard (11)

Vice-President: Lewis Conard (10)

Secretary: Ella S. Park (153)

It was moved and supported that the president appoint an Executive Committee, which he did as follows:

Adeline B. Fleck (16), Charles A. Conard (45), Emerson Conard(70), Sarah Walton (17), Emma A. Johnson (21), H. Fassett Conard (33), Tacy C. Shoemaker (67), Hettie Pownall

(55), and Lydia Webster (76)

It was moved and supported that all the officers be members of the Executive Committee and that said committee be given power to act and to call the next meeting at its discretion.

Respectfully submitted,
ELLA S. PARK, Secretary.

Plymouth Meeting House

Plymouth Friends Meeting House was built about 1708. It served as a hospital and campsite for Washington's forces on the way to Valley Forge. Although the original Kunders settled in Germantown and were members of Abington Meeting, it is Plymouth Meeting that is closely connected with the Conard family. Henry, son of the first settler was an attendant there from 1717 until his death in 1758. John Conard and Sarah Child were married there in 1805 and all their children worshiped at Plymouth Meeting. John and Sarah and their seven children are buried in the graveyard. Many of their descendants are still active there.


In accordance with these original resolutions, the "Conard Reunion" has met annually, the place being changed from time to time to suit the convenience of the members. The time now generally agreed upon is the third Saturday of June. Those members of the clan who have served as officers are as follows:

Presidents-Isaac Conard, 1903-1912; Ann Buckman, 1912-1914;

William B. Conard, 1914-1915; John Conard, 1915-1921; Charles A.

Conard, 1921-1925; Edward S. Morris, 1925-1931; Joseph C. Shoemaker,

1931-1938; Albert C. Walton, 1935-.

Vice-Presidents-Lewis Conard, 1904-1909; Emerson Conard,

1909-1910; William B. Conard, 1910-1912; Thomas P. Conard, 1912-

1913; H. Fassett Conard, 1913-1916; J. Conard Walton, 1916-1925;

Benjamin P. W. Park, 1925-1929; John F. Conard, 1929-1930; Joseph

P. Conard, 1930-1931; Albert C. Walton, 1931-1935; Joseph P.

Conard, 1935-1937; Albert C. Livezey, 1937-.

Secretaries-Ella S. Park, 1904-1931; Emma B. Lindner, 1931- 1933; Lillie M. Quinby, 1933-.

Corresponding Secretaries-Mary W. C. Gill, 1914-1922; Emma

J. Bright, 1922-1930; Susanna L. Walton, 1930-1932; Edith Livezey,

1932-1936; Anna B. Beans, 1936--. Martha Wilson Van Doren 1945 - 1964

Treasurers-H. Fassett Conard, 1904-1913; John Conard, 1913- 1914; Albert C. Livezey, 1914-1932; John B. Park, 1932-.

The Reunion, after long consideration, agreed in June, 1937, to proceed with the printing of this book, and appointed the following committee:

Martha Wilson Van Doren (131), Chairman; Emma Johnson Wilson (138) and John Carrell Morris ( 130)

This committee was aided in checking names by one member of each family group; and in planning and executing the publication by the 1937 and 1938 Executive Committee, which consists of the following:

President-Joseph C. Shoemaker, Vice-President-Albert C. Livezey,
Treasurer-John B. Parks, Secretary-Lillie M. Quinby, Corresponding
Secretary-Anna B. Beans, Registrar-: Martha Wilson Van Doren.

President-Albert C. Walton, Vice-President-Albert C. Livezey, Treasurer-John B. Park, Secretary-Lillie M. Quinby, Corresponding Secretary-Anna B. Beans, Registrar-Martha Wilson Van Doren.

James Conard-William H. Conard, Laura F. Morris, G. David Pennick, Elizabeth Cohee.

Peter Conard-Edward Morris, Ellen A. Wilson, Martha Wilson Van Doren, Lloyd Wilson. Joseph Conard-Elizabeth Buckman, Joseph Conard, Susanna Walton, Sarah C. Walker.John Conard-Margaret C. Holt, John F. Conard.Albert Conard-Ada Mammel, Albert Mammel, Albert Livezey.Charles Conard-Albert C. Walton, Annie R. Conard, Norman Beans, Lillie M. Quinby.Elizabeth Walton- Tacy W. Shoemaker, J. Conard Walton, Elizabeth Bernhard.Lewis Conard-Ada Conard, Ellwood Conard, Josephine Bodenstein.Isaac Conard-Lydia C. Webster, Mary W. C. Gill, Howard Webster.


Willow Grove Park, 10; Ziebers Park, 1; Chestnut Hill Park, 1; Plymouth Meeting, 1; Gwynedd Meeting, 3; Horsham Fire Hall, 16; Newtown Meeting. 3.

In the collection of data for this edition, the work of John Conard (48), son of Albert Conard (7) of Fort Washington, has been of inestimable value. Over a period of many years he kept a record of all vital statistics and assigned numbers so as to identify each person properly. His only surviving descendant is Martha Rosemond (183).

Further work on the record book was done by Emma Bright Lindner (122), Edith Livezey (180), and Martha W. Van Doren (131). Eleanor Van Doren Stevens (306), and Robert C. Wilson, III (323) assisted by typing the material for the printer.

The biographical material in this edition was compiled by Emma Johnson Wilson from papers that had been read at the various reunions, and from reports of these meetings in the Ambler Gazette. The printing has been done under the supervision of John Carrell Morris, Sr., by the firm of which he is president.

A Bit of Reunion History

Since its first meeting in June of 1904, the Conard Family Reunion has been held at the regular time—the third Saturday in June—each year, except in 1943 during World War II when food and gasoline were rationed. Horsham, Newtown, Gwynedd or Plymouth Meeting Houses were found to be the most suitable gathering places after the meetings provided kitchens. A program of business, reports of vital statistics, travels, graduations, letters, literary exercises and music is always provided, the very young having often produced the most enjoyable entertainment. The singing of the Conard Song (printed in Part II) has often expressed the sentiments of family solidarity.

Several financial projects have been successfully carried out by the Reunion Association. Most outstanding is the contribution to Plymouth Meeting each year of a sum to insure proper care for the graves of John and Sarah Conard; also the recutting of the inscriptions which weather and the years had well-nigh obliterated. Also when Mary Ellen Bright (118), our faithful recorder for some years, suffered severe paralysis, a hospital bed was purchased for her and afterward became available for anyone needing it.

Also worthy of mention are the members who contributed sufficient money to make possible the publishing of our Conard Book, namely Sara Conard Reeves (101), Alice Buckman Stevenson (148), Susanna Walton (160), Tacy Bright Comfort (117), and Mary G. Wilson (133).

Many other persons have helped to keep the reunions alive. Especially we remember with love and gratitude Ella S. Park (153), who acted as Secretary for over 30 years. Martha Wilson Van Doren (131) who served as recorder for over 20 years and also as Chair of two of the Publishing Committees. Also Priscilla Hunt who served as Secretary and Historian from many years. And also Ruth Walton who served as Historian. Those who have held other offices, served on committees, and managed the refreshment department are too numerous to mention, including many who were not lineal descendants but joined the clan by marriage; but all are part of that invisible power which has made our Reunions successful.

John and Sarah and their twelve children never lived very far from the Quaker settlements of southeastern Pennsylvania, were plain country people with simple Quaker living and education, and good citizens who kept pace with the growth of their country. However, succeeding generations have migrated with the trend of the times. Since took up homesteads in Iowa and other Midwestern States, and now their descendants are scattered from New England to California and from the great Lakes to Florida and Texas. Now there are in the clan not only farmers but also successful every leaders in business, the professions, and government, with nearly every family having college graduates who are doctors teachers, nurses and scientists.

When Friends removed the ban on “Marrying out of Meeting”, many other religious faiths came into the family, and the World Wars brought other nationalities, so that now we are quite a cosmopolitan group.

These now carrying the burden and responsibility of family solidarity, as demonstrated in successful reunions, keeping of accurate records, and printing and publishing the genealogy, are those of the newer Generations: and it is our hope that we have imbued those following with enough interest and love for the work that thee will always be an enthusiastic Conard Clan, a successful Conard reunion and an up-to date Conard Book.

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Kunders, an humble wool dyer from the banks of the Rhine, who, settling in the untrodden wilds of America, and pursuing the even tenor of a modest and uneventful life, “builded better than he knew.”

Robert Proud, in his history of Pennsylvania says, “Among the first Germantown settlers was Dennis Conrad. The first religious meeting of the Quakers, in that place, was held at his house in 1683. He was a hospitable, well-disposed man, of an inoffensive life and good character.”