Signature of Curaed Cunraeds
The Signature of Curaed Cunraeds

CURAED CUNRAEDS, the oldest child of Thones and Elin Kunders, was born 5th month 17th, 1678, in Crefeld, Germany. He was twice married, first on 5th month, 1704, to Ann Klinken, who was born at Toppenburk, Germany, on 6th month 4th, 1683, and was a daughter of Aret Klinken, who came from Holland with William Penn in his first voyage in 1682. Klinken had seen and known Penn in Holland. He built the first two-story house ever raised in Germantown; and Penn was present and partook of the raising dinner. He died at the age of eighty. He left a son whose name was Anthony, whom Watson in his Annals, speaks of as being a great hunter, spending a long life in such pursuits. It was said that he would have the garret of his house filled in winter with wild game, and had it marked with the date that he killed it, so as to eat it in due succession as an epicure. He would wade the Wissaahlickon in the depth of winter and finally contracted gout and rheumatism, which so ossified the flesh of his knuckles, that he could scrape chalk from them when old. Anthony was born about 1677 and died about 1759. The name Anthony appears in almost every generation of Cunraeds descendants, and evidently started from this peculiar character.

Cunraed Cunraeds was married a second time on 8th month 12th, 1721, to Anne Burson, of Perkiomen. The latter marriage is recorded in the records of the Gynedd Friends meeting and took place at the public meeting at Germantown. The father of the groom, Thones Kunders, was present at the marriage and signed the certificate, as did also his three brothers, Madtis, John and Henry and the latter's wife, Katharine.

Cunraed seems to have spent most of his married life in Worcester Township in Montgomery County, Pa., and died there in 1747, aged sixty- nine years, He bought one hundred acres of land in Worcester from Robert Jones in 1723. In 1728 a release given by bim to Anthony Morrisrecites tbat be was tben living in "New Bristol or Skippack." Another old document dated 1730 mentions Cunraed as living at "Matacbin." He was one of the executors of his father. There is some evidence that be belonged to the Reformed Church, although married twice by Friends Ceremony, and seems to have belonged to the church in Worcester known as " Wentz," situated a mile above Centre Point. He may have been buried there but there is no tombstone or record of the fact.

His will was dated Feb. 2, 1747, and was proved March lot of the same year, showing that he died between those dates. His wife doubtless died before him, not being mentioned in the will. His oldest son, Anthony, was willed five shillings. In 1737 be deeded a farm of seventy-five acres to his son, Anthony, and doubtless considered that be bad received his proper share. His son Henry was given the homestead "the 100 acres I bought of Anthony Morris." This is supposed to have been the present Heebner farm, near the Worcester creamery. His third son, James, received the residue of his father's land. He and Henry were the executors. One son, Jolin, seems to have been of weak or infirm mind, as his share of /40 is left in trust to his brothers, Anthony and Henry. He had six children, all sons, named respectively, Anthony, Henry, James, John, Joseph and Dennis, all of whom married and had children except John and Joseph. Many of his descendants emigrated to Virginia.


Be it known unto all whom it may Concern that I Conrad Conrads of Worcester in the County of Philadelphia Yeoman being in my usual Health having my memory and Understanding sound and perfect under a Grateful Sense thereof do consider the Uncertainty of Human Life and wherefore I make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament this Eleventh day of the Second month in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Seven (in the following manner and form) (viz.) Imprimis. I will that all my just Debts which I shall owe at the time of my decease Together with my funeral Expenses with other necessary Charges in regard to the Administration of my Estate be duly paid and Discharged by my two sons viz Henry Conrads and James Conrads whom I also constitute and Depute to be sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. 2dly I give and bequeath unto my Eldest son Anthony Conrads the sum of Five Shillings Lawful Money of Pennsylva Payable to him by my sd Executors within One month next from the Day of my Decease. 3dly I give and Devise unto my said son Henry Conrads the One hundred acres of Land which I Bought of Anthony Morris by ye Metes and Bounds thereof Together with three acres more to be Divided by Parallel Lines out of the Upper End of my Great Meadow now cleared below my Barn Together with all and singular the Buildings Improvements Rights Members and Priviledges whatsoever belonging to the said Two Tracts of Land to be Held Possessed and Enjoyed by my said son Henry his Heirs and Assigns from the day of my decease thence-forward and forever. 4thly I give and devise unto my son James Conrads all the Residue and remaining part of my Lands Tenements and all the Rights Priviledges thereupon to be Held Possessed and Enjoyed by my said son James his Heirs and Assigns from the Day of my Decease thence forward and forever, sly I give and bequeath unto my Son Joseph Conrads Forty pounds Lawfull Money of Pennsylvania payable by my Son Henry when my youngest son Denis arrives or should arrive to Twenty one years of age. 61y I give and bequeath unto my son Denis Conrads the sum of Twenty Pounds Lawfull Money of Pennsylva Payable by my Son Henry when the said Denis arrives to Twenty One years of age. 7ly Whereas my son John Conrads is not capable to manage his own affairs in a prudent manner to Advantage wherefore I think needful and do hereby give and bequeath Forty Pounds Lawfull money of Pennsylvania payable by my son James (when the said Denis arrives or should arrive to Twenty One years of age) into the Hands of my said sons (viz) Anthony and Henry who shall dispose of the said Forty Pounds and every part thereof in the most necessary and beneficial maimer & to and for the use of my said Son John as to them shall seem meet. Sly I give and bequeath unto my said son Denis another sum of Twenty Pounds Lawful money of Pennsylvania Payable by my son James when the sd Denis arrives to Twenty One years of age. gly I give and bequeath all and singular my Personal Estate to be Equally Divided between my two Sons (viz) Henry and James when they see it convenient after my Decease finally revoking and Disannulling all former and other wills Testaments Legacies and Executors by me in any wise before this time Willed named and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and seal dated the Day and year first above written.


Signed sealed and Declared by the sd Conrad Conrads (that the before written is his Last Will and Testament) in the presence of us the subscribers Robert Jones Wm Jones Margaret Jones.

[Proven loth March 1747.]

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Kunders, an humble wool dyer from the banks of the Rhine, who, settling in the untrodden wilds of America, and pursuing the even tenor of a modest and uneventful life, “builded better than he knew.”

Robert Proud, in his history of Pennsylvania says, “Among the first Germantown settlers was Dennis Conrad. The first religious meeting of the Quakers, in that place, was held at his house in 1683. He was a hospitable, well-disposed man, of an inoffensive life and good character.”