The Signature of John Cunrads
JOHN CUNRADS, the third son, was born in Crefeld, Germany, 6th mo. 3, 1681, and was married twice, first on 5th mo. 29, 1706, to Alice Lukens ; I presume a daughter of Jan Lucken, also one of the original Crefeld emigrants ; and secondly, he was married to Elisabeth Denis.He settled in Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery County, Penna., and died there in 1765, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. He had two sons and four daughters, named Henry, Dennis, Mary, who married Gilbert, Magdalene, Sarah, who married Keilyon Wisee, and a daughter,name unknown, who married John Jarrett. The latter, and his son Henry,died before him. His wife, Elizabeth, survived him, and in the distribu-tion of his worldly estate he showed some favor towards his son Henry,for whom and his children he seemed to make liberal provision. His plantation of two hundred and thirteen acres he devised to his son Henry,on condition that he paid £600 to the other children. His will is dated 2d mo. 22, 1762, but was not proven until nearly three years afterwards.He appointed Cornelius Cunrad, his nephew, son of Madtis, and John Jarrett, his son-in-law, executors of his will. His descendants are principally in Bucks and the upper part of Montgomery Counties.
I, John Cunrad in the Township of Upper Dublin, in the County of Philadelphia and Province of Pennsylvania being; aged and weak in Body, but of sound mind memory and understanding, for which and all other mercies and blessings on me bestowed, I return thanks to Almighty God and considering of the uncertainty of my time here have thought proper to settle my worldly substance by this my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say, first my will is that all my just debts together with my funeral charges, and probate here of by justly and fully paid by my Executors herein after named. Next, I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Elisabeth, all the Household Furniture now or at the Time of my decease in my House or Possession that was her property before our marriage, Together with twenty pound a year current money of Pensilvania to be paid to her yearly and every year during her natural life. Item, I give and bequeath to my three grand sons, children of my son Henry thirty pounds current money aforesaid viz: to his Son John fifteen pounds, and to his sons Edward and Henry the sum of seven pounds ten shillings each, which thirty pounds together with Ninety I gave my son Henry is equal to what I gave my other sons. Item I give and devise to my son Henry my plantation whereon I now dwell containing by Computation two hundred and thirteen acres and three quarters by the same more or less, to hold to him, my son Henry His heirs and assigns forever, he paying to my Executors the sum of Six Hundred Pounds Lawfull money of Pensilvania or well securing the same to be paid in one year after my decease with Lawfull interest pursuant to certain articles of agreement between me and him for that purpose provided, but if he should happen to depart this Life before me, or refuse to pay to my Excurure the sum of Six Hundred pounds aforesaid, then and in such case my will is that my Executors do Sell my plantation before mentioned for the best or highest price they can get and I do hereby inpower them or the survivor of them to sign seal and deliver such proper deed or deeds conveyance or conveyances as may fully confirm the same to the purchasers thereof their Heirs and Assigns forever. Next my will is that my Excr, do sell the remaining. part of my Personal Estate, and the money arising there from and also from the devise or sale of Land be divided into six equal parts to be disposed of between my six children as herein after directed, retaining an equal part out of each childs share to enable them to pay my wife Elisabeth Twenty pounds a year during her natural life. Item, I give and bequeath to my (".rand-sons John and Dennis, sons of my son Dennis, the sum of ten pounds each and to his two daughters Mary and Alice the sum of Five pounds each Lawfull money affores aid. Item, 1give and bequeath to my son Dennis such sum or quantity of money as with the thirty Pounds herein bequeathed to his children will make one equal Sixth part divided as before directed on condition that he do rest and remain satisfied therewith but if he should sue or enter any action in Law for more than is herein mentioned then and in such case I give and bequeath to him my son Dennis, one English Shilling only and no more, and the remainder of such portion before designed him be equally divided between my other children, share and share alike. Item I also give and bequeath to my son Henry one equal sixth part I divided as before directed. Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary the use or interest of one such equal sixth part divided as before directed and if that should not be suffecient for her maintenance my will is that my Executors do advance of the principal to her relief as there may be occation and the remainder, if any be at her decease to be divided between her two youngest children Benjamin and Sarah Gilbert. Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Magdalene the use or interest of one such equal sixth part divided as before directed and if there should not be suffecient for her maintenance my will is that my Executors advance of the principal as there may be occation and the remainder at her decease, if any, be divided between her two children Jacob and Alice. Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah the use or interest of one equal sixth part divided as before directed (and if she should depart this life without issue, and her Husband, Keilyon Wisee survive her) then and in such case I give and bequeath to him, my son-in-Law Keilyon Wisee the sum of ten pounds lawful money of Pensilvania, and the remainder of such sixth part after the decease of my daughter Sarah to be equally divided between my other childrern; share and share alike in five shares. Item, I give and bequeath to my son in law John Jarret one such equal sixth part as before directed, but if any of my children has received any bond or bonds of me in part of their portion formerly given and by there too long forbearance the persons by whom such bonds were payable has proved Insolvent and they should demand the payment thereof from my Excrs, then and in such case my will is that so much be deducted from such childs share as will discharge the same, anything herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And lastly I do nominate and appoint my son-in-law John Jarret and my nephew Cornelius Cunrad Co, Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this only my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal dated this twenty-second day of the Second month in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Sixty-two. Signed Sealed and declared in the presence of (the following words being left out by mistake were interlined before the signing hereof viz (mercies) in line of 3d (er) in line of 20th (sons of my son Dennis) in line 38th (youngest) in 1 ne 3d of page (to use or interest) raised out in the 9th page 2d x (she) interlined in line of 20th page 2d).
Before the signing and sealing hereof, I give and bequeath to my Grand Son John Jarrett the sum of Ten pounds Lawfull Money of Pennsilvania to be deducted from my Estate before the division thereof as above directed.
JOHN MAN, mark
Be it known to all men by these Presents, that I, John Cunrad now of Horsham Township in the County of Philadelphia and province of Pensilvania have made and declared my Last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the twenty-second day of the second month in the 3'ear of our Lord, one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-two, I the said John Cunrad by the present codicil do ratify and confirm my said Last Will and Testament and do further give and bequeath to the children of my said Henry late of Upper Dublin deceased the sum of Thirty-five pounds now in the hands of George Shaelmire together with all the interest hereafter becoming due thereon to be devided equally between them by my Executors as they severally and respectively come of age. And my will and meaning is that this codicil be adjudged to be part and parcell of my last Will and Testament and that all things therein mentioned and contained be faithfully and truly preformed as fully and amply in every respect as if the same were so set down in my said Last Will and Testament. Witness my hand this sixth day of the tenth month in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty-four.
JOHN x CUNRAD [Se.\l].
Signed and sealed in the presence of us,
[Proved March 21, 1765.]